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Track: Leipzig             Thu Dec 08 21:38:11 2022

Driver:  tagomago - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m36.391s
Lap 2: 1m35.902s
Lap 3: 1m34.863s
Lap 4: 4m06.880s [Invalid lap]
Lap 5: 1m36.560s
Lap 6: 1m35.581s
Lap 7: 1m34.783s
Lap 8: 4m37.733s [Invalid lap]
Lap 9: 1m04.903s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 2m00.693s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 11: 1m36.291s
Lap 12: 3m46.500s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 13: 1m39.312s

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.624s
Lap 1: 1m48.111s
Lap 2: 1m38.194s
Lap 3: 1m37.088s
Lap 4: 1m39.943s
Lap 5: 1m36.262s
Lap 6: 1m40.200s
Lap 7: 1m37.437s
Lap 8: 1m36.777s
Lap 9: 1m36.718s
Lap 10: 1m37.101s
Lap 11: 1m37.582s
Lap 12: 1m37.135s
Lap 13: 1m42.418s
Lap 14: 1m37.864s
Lap 15: 1m39.072s
Lap 16: 1m37.840s
Lap 17: 1m38.161s
Lap 18: 1m37.550s
Lap 19: 1m40.063s
Lap 20: 1m37.427s
Lap 21: 1m37.643s
Lap 22: 1m38.143s
Lap 23: 1m37.412s

Driver: Dag Johnsen - Ferrari  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 3m50.588s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 2: 4m55.554s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 3: 1m35.183s
Lap 4: 1m33.907s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m32.900s
Lap 6: 1m32.553s
Lap 7: 1m32.949s
Lap 8: 3m28.912s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.299s
Lap 1: 1m43.922s
Lap 2: 1m33.895s
Lap 3: 1m32.124s
Lap 4: 1m34.272s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m38.334s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m32.942s
Lap 7: 1m56.068s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 2m04.016s

Driver: Robert Fleurke - Cooper   

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m31.183s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m29.959s
Lap 3: 1m29.797s
Lap 4: 1m29.743s
Lap 5: 1m29.499s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m34.852s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 16m34.721s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.123s
Lap 1: 1m35.247s
Lap 2: 1m30.600s
Lap 3: 1m30.214s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m31.793s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m30.271s
Lap 6: 1m29.533s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m29.709s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m30.896s
Lap 9: 1m30.488s
Lap 10: 1m34.224s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m30.818s
Lap 12: 1m31.974s
Lap 13: 1m30.571s
Lap 14: 1m30.927s
Lap 15: 1m31.173s
Lap 16: 1m31.584s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m30.655s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m31.567s
Lap 19: 1m30.818s
Lap 20: 1m31.911s
Lap 21: 1m56.705s
Lap 22: 1m31.218s
Lap 23: 1m30.273s
Lap 24: 1m30.489s
Lap 25: 1m30.995s
Lap 26: 1m30.207s
Lap 27: 1m30.158s
Lap 28: 1m29.936s [Off the track]
Lap 29: 1m30.296s
Lap 30: 1m30.357s [Off the track]
Lap 31: 1m30.972s
Lap 32: 1m30.132s
Lap 33: 1m30.501s
Lap 34: 1m30.204s
Lap 35: 1m30.882s
Lap 36: 1m31.410s [Off the track]

Driver: Rainer Alpen - Cooper   

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m34.597s
Lap 2: 1m35.287s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m33.283s
Lap 4: 1m31.610s
Lap 5: 1m38.600s
Lap 6: 5m51.149s [Invalid lap]
Lap 7: 2m34.030s [Invalid lap]

No race laps

Driver: Olaf Lehmann - Lotus    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m36.725s [Off the track, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m38.516s
Lap 3: 5m56.960s [Invalid lap]
Lap 4: 1m39.169s
Lap 5: 1m34.585s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 11m02.274s [Off the track, Invalid lap]

Race laps
Lap 0: 46.198s
Lap 1: 1m46.566s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m37.750s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m35.446s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m39.226s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m37.545s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m38.618s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m37.337s
Lap 8: 1m36.539s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m37.055s
Lap 10: 1m37.333s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m38.761s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m37.392s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m35.787s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m39.722s [Off the track]

Driver: Andre Jahren - Cooper   

Practice laps
Lap 1: 2m53.839s [Off the track, Invalid lap, Unknown incident]
Lap 2: 1m13.529s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 3: 1m42.760s
Lap 4: 1m30.404s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m38.212s
Lap 6: 1m36.081s
Lap 7: 5m30.232s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 8: 1m31.015s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m30.259s
Lap 10: 1m31.168s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 3m51.600s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 12: 1m49.854s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 44.465s
Lap 1: 1m37.492s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m31.715s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m31.944s
Lap 4: 1m31.628s
Lap 5: 1m31.866s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m30.973s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m31.892s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m30.728s
Lap 9: 1m31.966s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m32.864s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m32.994s
Lap 12: 1m33.143s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m32.335s
Lap 14: 1m31.600s
Lap 15: 1m32.336s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m33.764s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m32.746s
Lap 18: 1m32.587s [Off the track]
Lap 19: 1m37.784s

Driver: Tim Roedl - Brabham  

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m33.001s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m32.006s
Lap 3: 1m38.817s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 2m12.171s [Off the track]
Lap 5: 1m32.422s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m32.375s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 3m54.568s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 8: 1m31.082s
Lap 9: 3m19.079s [Off the track, Invalid lap]
Lap 10: 1m33.166s
Lap 11: 1m47.675s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m33.045s [Off the track]

Race laps
Lap 0: 44.517s
Lap 1: 1m45.279s [Off the track]
Lap 2: 1m33.841s [Off the track]
Lap 3: 1m32.353s [Off the track]
Lap 4: 1m33.067s
Lap 5: 1m31.491s [Off the track]
Lap 6: 1m31.669s [Off the track]
Lap 7: 1m31.135s [Off the track]
Lap 8: 1m40.018s [Off the track]
Lap 9: 1m32.634s [Off the track]
Lap 10: 1m31.242s [Off the track]
Lap 11: 1m31.653s [Off the track]
Lap 12: 1m34.530s [Off the track]
Lap 13: 1m39.808s [Off the track]
Lap 14: 1m32.727s [Off the track]
Lap 15: 1m31.894s [Off the track]
Lap 16: 1m40.790s [Off the track]
Lap 17: 1m34.168s [Off the track]
Lap 18: 1m35.298s [Off the track]
Lap 19: 1m40.037s [Off the track]
Lap 20: 2m17.836s
Lap 21: 1m34.230s [Off the track]
Lap 22: 1m32.206s [Off the track]
Lap 23: 1m31.665s [Off the track]
Lap 24: 1m30.922s [Off the track]
Lap 25: 1m31.218s [Off the track]
Lap 26: 1m30.781s [Off the track]
Lap 27: 1m37.708s [Off the track]
Lap 28: 2m01.174s [Off the track]
Lap 29: 1m32.095s [Off the track]
Lap 30: 1m30.811s [Off the track]
Lap 31: 1m31.844s [Off the track]
Lap 32: 1m33.168s [Off the track]
Lap 33: 1m35.492s [Off the track]
Lap 34: 1m37.038s [Off the track]
Lap 35: 1m32.592s [Off the track]
Lap 36: 1m31.930s [Off the track]
Lap 37: 1m32.397s [Off the track]
Lap 38: 1m30.636s [Off the track]
Lap 39: 1m33.977s [Off the track]

Driver: Bjørn L Finnestad - Eagle    

Practice laps
Lap 1: 1m34.344s
Lap 2: 1m33.013s

Race laps
Lap 0: 45.366s
Lap 1: 1m46.179s
Lap 2: 1m35.113s
Lap 3: 1m35.119s
Lap 4: 1m34.564s
Lap 5: 1m35.812s
Lap 6: 1m39.093s
Lap 7: 1m37.628s
Lap 8: 1m35.924s
Lap 9: 1m34.965s
Lap 10: 1m35.078s
Lap 11: 1m35.425s
Lap 12: 1m35.450s
Lap 13: 1m35.375s
Lap 14: 1m37.941s
Lap 15: 1m35.079s
Lap 16: 1m35.357s
Lap 17: 1m36.096s
Lap 18: 1m37.960s [Off the track]
Lap 19: 1m37.120s
Lap 20: 1m37.295s
Lap 21: 1m41.173s
Lap 22: 1m39.584s
Lap 23: 1m36.460s
Lap 24: 1m35.808s
Lap 25: 1m35.848s
Lap 26: 1m35.486s
Lap 27: 1m35.425s
Lap 28: 1m41.605s
Lap 29: 1m36.452s
Lap 30: 1m36.061s
Lap 31: 1m35.434s
Lap 32: 1m35.632s
Lap 33: 1m37.277s
Lap 34: 1m36.359s
Lap 35: 1m36.008s
Lap 36: 1m36.116s
Lap 37: 1m37.479s
Lap 38: 1m36.065s
Lap 39: 1m37.674s

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser